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•   John Coyle  2/10
•   Stephen Giambra  3/14
•   John (Jack) Mannette  5/18
•   David Craig  3/6
•   Charles Plumb  3/5
•   Norman Morrow  2/19
•   Melinda Myers  3/30
•   Eloise Leib (Bellis)  3/12
•   George W. Bovenizer III  2/26
•   Joanne Picciotti (Poppink)  1/29
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Glen Rock High School
Class of 1959

Enjoy Winter 2025

     My son, Brock, at Big Sky, MT      

2024 Scholarship Winners




 See 2024 Scholarships (menu at left) for details.


Jim Rector's Book of Poetry

I asked Jim how could a classmate get a copy of his new book of poetry which is an autobiography of his life in poems. Here is Jim's response:

From Jim Rector:

Rector’s Rhymes, by James R. Rector, class of ’59, Glen Rock High School, is a semi-autobiographical book of 100 poems. Inspired by Grandma Moses, who began her painting career at the age of 78, I was motivated and prodded by my sister Janet, class of ’61 GRHS, to prepare a memoir. At age 82, to keep my brain fresh and alert, I set a goal to compose 100 poems that would capture my thoughts on a variety of subjects, observations and experiences and be my attempt at writing a memoir in poetry format. The compositions were written over a period of 14 months with the rhyming scheme, aabb. The book is not currently available at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Volume II is currently in the works to be completed sometime in 2025. The retail price is $20 plus postage. At the request of our esteemed classmate who I am convinced has read the book cover to cover, I am providing my address for those who want to order a signed copy.

“You have done a tremendous amount of work. I appreciate that it is your autobiography. It is also a great guide on how one should conduct his life.” Tom Pearson, Class of ’59 GRHS

The price is $20 for the book and $4.00 for first class postage, mail your check to:

 James R. Rector

 30095 Persimmon Drive

 Westlake, OH 44145

 Phone: 440-662-9770


A Poem by Jim Rector


Poem No. 81

CLASS OF 1959-Reflections

By: James R. Rector

September 4, 2023


It all began in 1941, during a tragic world war.

We arrived on earth as a multitude before.

Soon 5 years old enrolled in kindergarten in Byrd or Central School

Long before Glen Rock built a community swimming pool.


Looking back, we might all agree,

That the 40s and 50s were for youth fun and free.

Navigating through the grades making friends and learning about life,

Some married high school sweethearts and became husband and wife.


Over the years new students arrived and some moved away

Two friends I recall, Terry Tysseland and Tom Mettee said goodbye one day.

There were others who moved away and were good friends.

Most graduating seniors traveled from K thru 12 from beginning to end.


In the Fall of 1959, most of us traveled to advance our schooling.

Over the next years, most lives took on our life’s choosing.

We found marriage, new families, and careers all-consuming our time.

Some engaged in shifting new paradigms.


In recent years, Tom Pearson has faithfully sent us news,

That a precious alumnus had departed we’re sorry to lose.

Each loss is a wakeup call for the surviving rest.

Each loss a reminder of our mortality we all possess.


It is now 2023, almost 65 years since Warren Covington serenaded our graduation.

Almost half our graduating class has departed our mutual association.

Each one as they travel to another world,

Took part of us with them and left part to be retold.


And it is with this humble and sincere composition,

I offer GRHS class of 1959, to all surviving alumni this proposition.

We created many friendships and lasting memories too.

Remember, we pioneered the first graduating class with bravado and spirit true.


All this is history now decades past.

We’ve all lived long enough to know it won’t last.

While the lottery of life is unpredictable for sure

We treasure our time together and hope it will endure.


For all the alumni that have now moved on

We extend this tribute as well as mourn.

Thank you for your life generously shared.

Your memory will be honored and forever cared.


For those of us that remain we pray the Fates will be kind

Our lives are enriched with the memories of those we remind.

And with the magic and mystery we lived all our lives,

We look forward to the great GRHS Reunion in the heavenly skies.



All rights reserved

Rector, Inc.



Brian Dovey-

On Sunday August 28th Brian Dovey passed away following an operation. Click "In Memory" in the menu on the left of this page for the obituary and for your comments. He will be missed. Scroll down this page to see report on Brian being elected to GRHS Athletic Hall of Fame in 2016.

 Scholarship Winners - 2023


    On June 7, 2023 On behalf of our class, Tom Pearson awarded two $2,800 scholarships to these two excellent GRHS seniors. See 2023 Scholarships (see menu at left) for details.

Jim Rector and Bugler's Holiday

Jim wants you to hear a military rendition of Bugler's Holiday, ,which brings back a memory of Roger Taylor, George Parsons and Denis Garber playing it in a junior or senior high school assembly.

You Tube Video on GRHS's Cardy Gemma

    Liz Sosenheimer Elyoussef sent this link . It is about Mr. Cardy Gemma's coaching   career.


Scholarship Awards 2022

At the GRHS Awards Assembly on June 1, 2022 our class awarded two $2,500 scholarships to two graduating GRHS seniors. More information will be available by clicking on the 2022 Scholarship Winners on menu at left. Shown below is Tom Pearson wilth the two awardees.  


2022 Ginny James Garden at GRHS

 Some close ups of the Ginny James Memorial Garden on June 1, 2022:





2021 Scholarships

 The 2021 scholarships were awarded in June. The pictures of the recipients are below. The names and where they are going to school are on the password protected page "2021 Scholarship Winners" ( see the menu at left). Thank you for keeping this going since 1984. 




Class of 2020 Winners Class of 1959 Scholarships


These two seniors were each awarded a $2,500 scholarship from your scholarship fund. The June Awards Assembly was held virtually. Their names and where they are going to school are on the password protected menu at left under "2020 Scholarship Winners" We wish them both a successful and happy future and thank you for contributing to the scholarships.

Also, see Thank You note on "2020 Scholarship Winners" page.

To See 2020 Virtual Graduation

 To see video go to

Pictures from Florida Luncheon 2/26/2020

The reunion was held at the Safety Harbor Inn and Spa in Safety Harbor, FL. Liz Sosenheimer Elyoussef made all the arrangements. A picture of the special luncheon menu arranged by Liz is shown. (For everyone's name see last picture in series)

Counterclockwise- Liz Sosenheimer Elyoussef, Eloise Leib Bellis, Stan Bellis,Susan Voupel,Bruce Voupel ('60), Bob Carragher, Barbara Mechan Carragher,John Nydegger ('60), Billie Lee Horn Norman ('60), Diana Pearson, & Tom Pearson. We missed Judy Olsen Jaquette and her husband Art who could not attend.

CA Mini Reunion Februaruy 2020

   The reunion was held at Bill White's home in Sausilito, with a first class view from the home's terrace.The next day they went to John & Pia Coyle's home in Napa, CA.


Counterclockwise- Art Fuller, Yvette Fuller, Pat White,Brian Dovey,Pia Coyle,Bill White,Betty Hartzel Dovey, John Pabst, Roberta Pabst, & John Coyle. They are on the phone with Steve and Linda Giambra.

View of the Bay Bridge from Bill White's terrace in Sausalito, CA

At Bill's place- Bill White, Brian Dovey & Art Fuller

At Bill's place- Bill White, John Pabst & Art Fuller

Dinner in Sausalito

At John Coyle's place in Napa- John Coyle & Art Fuller

At winery in Napa- John Coyle & Art Fuller (Bill White in background)









60th Reunion Smashing Fun

  The reunion was an successful upbeat get together.

The official reunion pictures from Image Art Studio in Glen Rock are now available and you will receive an email with a link on how to get them. One picture is of the classmates and another of the classmates and their spouses. I want to thank Mrs. Roberta Pabst for the first picture below of your classmates. The second and third picture will be from Image Art Studio.The pictures you can download for free from Image Art Studio will be of higher quality than the same pictures below due to limitations in this website.



Front l to r: Brian Dovey, Betty Hartzel Dovey, Missie Craig Parham, Judy Olsen Jaquette, Steve Giambra, Anne Allan Mahoney,David Craig, and John Coyle

2nd row: Doug Dressler, Pete Sigmon, Dick Webb, Bill White, Lanny Horn, Bill Seed, Tom Pearson, Diane Doviak Webb, Jane Stewart Wollman and John Pabst. Art Fuller not shown.

This site reduces the quality of the photo, so for a clear and crisp one, I can email you the original. Use "Contact Us" in the menu at left.

 Pictures from Image Art Studio




Front l to r : Lanny Horn, Brian Dovey, Betty Hartzel Dovey, Missie Craig Parham, Judy Olsen Jaquette, Linda Wales Giambra, Anne Allan Mahoney, John Coyle, & Pia Coyle

2nd row: Chris Dressler, Doug Dressler, David Craig, Sally Craig, Walter Parham, Bill White, Pat White, Art Jaquette, Steve Giambra, Pam Seed, Bill Seed, Tom Pearson, Diana Pearson, Diane Doviak Webb, Jane Stewart Wollmar,  Stellan Wollmar, Roberta Pabst, & John Pabst

On Stairs top to bottom: Pete Sigmon, & Dick Webb



Ed Mignot Reports From China

Classmate Ed Mignot reports from Jinan, China that this May he was elected to the China Rugby Hall of Fame for his achievements in refereeing rugby and for coaching the game. Ed, congratulations! Back in the 1990's for his football accomplishment while he was at Albion College he was elected to their Hall of Fame.

 Ed has his Ph.D from Purdue in the biological sciences. He has taught in the USA and around the world including the Czech Republic and China. He retired in 2011. He played rugby in Europe with his last match in the Czech Republic when he was 60 and he refereed his last match in China when he was 69. He has coached in Europe and China. For the last 12 years he has been teaching rugby refeering and coaching the game both in China. He now works in China as an editor of medical journals. He currently divides his time between the Czech Republic and China.

2019 GRHS Scholarship Awards

       At the GRHS Awards Assembly on June 5, 2019, Doug Anderson and Tom Pearson made two $2,500 scholarships awards to the following students the details of which can be found by clicking "2019 Scholarships" on the menu at left. (The last item is to be set up later.)   

                        The winners

          The awardees with the presenters

Bev O'Hearn of GRHS Principal's Office with Doug Anderson 

             in the Ginny James Memorial Garden

Long view of the Ginny James Memorial Garden at GRHS




Florida 2019 Alumni Luncheon

  The annual luncheon was held on 2/27/19 at Bascoms Chop House in Clearwater, FL. We very much enjoyed each other's company. Our group consists of Class of 1959 alumni and alumni of other GRHS classes living in or visiting FL. Due to distances most are from the northern part of FL's west coast. Some of the pictures from the luncheon follow:

Front to rear: Diana Pearson, Eloise Leib Bellis, Billie Lee (Horn) Norman, Lanny Horn, Susan Nydegger. John Nydegger

Stan Bellis, Judy (Olsen) Jaquette, Judy's sister Jacqueline Raftery, Liz (Sosenheimer) Elyoussef, Eli Elyoussef, John Nydegger

(f to r) Diana Pearson, Eloise (Leib) Bellis, Billie Lee (Horn) Norman, Lanny Horn, Susan Nydegger, John Nydegger

(counterclockwise) Judy (Olsen) Jaquette, Judy's sister Jacqueline Raftery, Liz Sosenheimer Elyoussef, Eli Elyoussef, John Nydegger, Susan Nydegger, Lanny Horn, Billie Lee (Horn) Norman, Eloise (Leib) Bellis

(clockwise) Billie Lee (Horn) Norman, Eloise (Leib) Bellis, Diana Pearson, Tom Pearson, Stan Bellis, Judy (Olsen) Jaquette, Judy's sister Jacqueline Raftery

(front to back) Liz (Sosenheimer) Elyoussef, Judy's sister Jacqueline Raftery, Judy (Olsen) Jaquette, Stan Bellis, Tom Pearson

(Clockwise) Susan Nydegger, Lanny Horn, Billie Lee (Horn) Norman, Eloise (Leib) Bellis, Tom Pearson, Diana Pearson




2018 Scholarship Awards on June 6th


Tom Pearson and Doug Anderson made the 2018 scholarship awards at Glen Rock High School on Wed. June 6th. For an array of pictures and the accomplishments of the recipients click "2018 Scholarships at GRHS" in menu at left.


See Glen Rock Videos

    Tune into

     For videos of July 4th parades go to

     For Glen Rock Historical Society go to

Cathy Sullivan Robert's  B&B in Byram Township, NJ.

     The Inside New Jersey magazine of April 2013 had a article you might want to see which shows her B&B. Look under "Cathy Sullivan Robert's B&B" in memu at left of screen.

2018 Florida Luncheon

The luncheon was held February 6th at Bascom's in Clearwater.

Susan Nydegger, Judy (Olsen) Jaquette, Kathy(Wulff) Miller, Art Jaquette, John Nydegger

Eloise (Leib) Bellis, Barbara (Mechan) Carragher, Bob Carragher, Billie Lee (Horn) Norman,

Stan Bellis

John Nydegger, Tom Pearson, Eloise Bellis, Barbara Carragher, Bob Carragher,

Billie Lee Norman, Stan Bellis, Diana Pearson

Stan Bellis, Diana Pearson and Susan Nydegger.

Susan Nydegger, Judy(Olsen) Jaquette, Kathy (Wulff) Miller

Art Jaquette, John Nydegger, Eloise (Leib) Bellis, and Barbara (Mechan) Carragher 

2018 Florida Car Show @ Lakewood Ranch

                                          1965 Morgan

                                         Rear 1965 Morgan

For more of the car show pictures click on "2018 Florida Car Show" on the sidebar.






Al Walker

    Al passed away on October 26, 2017. See " In Memory" on menu at left.

Class Scholarship Fund

       The annual letter asking for contributions to the fund was mailed out 11/9/17. Please be generous. We normally award  $2,500 scholarships to two GRHS seniors.

See Currency Issued in 1920's in GR

  Go to "Glen Rock Currency" in memu at left.

Glen Rock Architecture

       You  will want to see the video produced by the Glen Rock Historical Society. It is well done.


2017 Scholarship Awards

 At the June 7, 2017 GRHS Awards Assembly, we awarded two $2,500 scholarships  to the GRHS seniors pictured below. For full details, click on Scholarship Awards on the menu at left.


Florida Alumni Luncheon

 The annual luncheon of FL based 1959 GRHS alumni was held on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at Bascoms' Chop House, Clearwater, FL. Other GRHS alumni whom we could locate nearby were also invited. We welcomed Billie Lee(Horn) Norman (Class of 1960) who is Lanny Horn's sister, Kathy (Wulff) Miller (Class of 1963) who is Rod Wulff's sister and John Nydegger (Class of 1960).

(clockwise) John Nydegger, Diana Pearson, Kathy (Wulff) Miller, Judy (Olsen) Jaquette, Art Jaquette, Eloise (Leib) Bellis, Billie Lee (Horn) Norman

(l to r) Eli Elyoussef, Liz (Sosenheimer) Elyoussef, John Nydegger

Barbara (Mechan) Carragher, Bob Carragher, Eli Elyoussef

Tom Pearson, Kathy (Wulff) Miller, Judy (Olsen) Jaquette

Diana Pearson, Kathy (Wulff) Miller, Tom Pearson, Judy (Olsen) Jaquette,Art Jaquette, Eloise (Leib) Bellis


2017 Florida Car Shows

                                   1931 Packard

                           1922 Packard

                            1937 Packard   

                           1953 Chevrolet Bel Aire

                  1964 Studebaker Gran Turismo  

                                1951 Kaiser

                           VW Bus 1965(?)

              2017 Jeep Unlimited Sport-Customized 

                          1931 Ford Model A

                              1936 Ford Conv.

                     1936 Ford. Conv. (side view)

                                   1936 Auburn

                              1971 Morgan

                              1931 Studebaker

                         1969 Mercedes 300SL

                     1931 Ford Woodie



 GRHS Athletic Hall of Fame Elects Brian Dovey


The following is from the Ridgewood-Glen Rock Patch of 7/15/16:

 "The athletes played in every decade from the 1950s to the 2000s. They are: Brian Dovey ('59), Dave Stanely ('64), Ken Veenema ('73), Michael Petrocci ('73), Mindy Feinberg Leibowitz ('83') Michelle Leonard Conger ('91), Tracy Della Torre Danicich ('99), Scott Stephen ('01), Mark Hannon ('03), Gabby Pasternack ('03), Leah Jerome ('03), Kim Mineo Lucin ('03), and Ryan McCann ('04)."

A hearty congratulations to Brian.

Brian is second from the top left in this 1958 article:



            GRHS 2016 Scholarships Awarded

On June 8, 2016 Doug Anderson awarded two $2,500 scholarships to two GRHS seniors shown below. For more discussion see "Scholarship Awards" in the menu at left.



Glen Rock High School Alumni West Coast Florida Winter Luncheon,

                              February 29, 2016


  Stan Bellis, Eli Elyoussef, Art Jacquette, Barbara Mechan Carragher, John Nydegger

  (Class of 1960), Bob Carragher, Judy Olsen Jacquette, Liz Sossenheimer Elyoussef,

   Eloise Leib Bellis, picture taker- Tom Pearson.







We discussed with John Nydegger (Class of 1960) the possibility of having joint events and we will look at what would be appealing.John gave us a copy of his class list and I did likewise. What do you think? Use the "contact us" link at the right to express your view.

Robert K. Fisher

    Bob died at the end of February. Send condolences to his wife Joan, at 54 Moccasin Road, North Haledon, NJ 07508.




NJ Trip Down Memory Lane

  Rod Wulff brought this to our attention:



Scholarship Awards- 2015


 On June 3rd Betty Allen Cheshire and Tom Pearson awarded your $2,500 scholarships to two GRHS seniors. More information about the winners can be found under "Scholarship Awards" on the menu at left. As has become usual at GRHS, these recipients are high achievers both academically and in school and volunteer activities.They accomplish all they do with enthusiasm and time management.

Glen Rock July 4th Parades

     You can see the 1952, 1956, and 1959 parades (as well as others) at , , and . When you click on one and it plays, you can get a full screen view by clicking on the box with the arrows at the far right of the time bar.

Florida Alumni Luncheon

The annual Florida alumni luncheon was held on the 24th of February  at Bascoms Chop House in Clearwater, FL. The photos are as follows:

Eloise Leib Bellis,Eli Elyoussef,Art Jaquette,Barbara Mechan Carragher, Bob Carragher, Judy Olsen Jaquette, Liz Sosenheimer Elyoussef, and Stan Bellis

Eloise Lieb Bellis and Eli Elyoussef

Art Jaquette and Barbara Mechan Carragher

Bob Carragher and Judy Olsen Jaquette

Liz Sosenheimer Elyoussef and Stan Bellis


2015 Florida Car Show 1/17/15

  Scroll way down this page for latest  (1920's to 1960's) car show pictures from St. Armands Circle in Sarasota, FL on 1/17/15.

Scholarship Fund

   The annual GRHS Class of 1959  Scholarship Fund appeal was mailed on January 20, 2015. Click on "Scholarship Awards" in the menu at left for a copy of the mailer.

55th Reunion Photos :




Back l to r- Steve Giambra, Lanny Horn, Tom Pearson, Doug Dressler, Bill Seed, Pete Sigmon, Al Walker, John Coyle, Janet Janowitz Weil,Dr. Norman Morrow. Front l to r- Ginger Huckin Dixon, Diane Doviak Webb,Anne Allen Mahoney, Missie Craig Parham, Nancy Courter Karnolt, Lynn Meirose Cole, Dr. Melinda Myers, Susan van Keuren Easton, Mary Martha Burhouse Nazarian, Betty Allen Cheshire (Not pictured: Dr. David Burns, David Craig)

Fri. night reception, foreground counterclockwise-Pete Sigmon, Doug Dressler, Pia Coyle, Diane Doviak Webb

Fri. night reception, foreground l to r : Mary Martha Burhouse Nazarian, Susan van Keuren Easton, Janet Janowitz Weil, Anne Allen Mahoney, and Al Weil

(l to r) Nancy Courter Karnolt and Anne Allen Mahoney

Nancy Courter Karnolt,Mary Martha Burhouse Nazarian, Susan

van Keuren Easton, Missie Craig Parham

Christine Dressler, Doug Dressler, Betty Allen Cheshire, Diana Pearson,

Tom Pearson, Ginger Huckin Dixon

Diana Pearson and Linda Wales Giambra

Mary Martha Burhouse Nazarian

Pia Coyle and Steve Giambra

Pam Seed, Norman Morrow, Bonnie Morrow, and Linda Wales Giambra

Dave Burns, Tom Pearson, Lanny Horn, Al Walker,Steve Giambra,

Bill Seed


Remembrance Ceremony: Bob Hansen's son and grandson approaching Ginny James Memorial    Garden with bouquet. See also next....  (courtesy of N. Morrow)

Bob Hansen's grandson placing bouquet (courtesy of N. Morrow)

Sat. Remembrance Ceremony: Bagpipers after moment of silence at the Ginny Genarro James Memorial Garden

Lobby GRHS (courtesy of Norm Morrow)

Hallway at GRHS (courtesy of N. Morrow)

Junior/Senior High School Auditorium (courtesy of N. Morrow)

GRHS- Touring classrooms (courtesy of N. Morrow)

GRHS Media Center (courtesy of N. Morrow)

GRHS Media Center-another view (courtesy of N. Morrow)


                                   Sat. School Tour

                                 Sat. School Tour

                               Lunch At Glen Rock Inn

                           Lunch at Glen Rock Inn

                           Lunch at Glen Rock Inn

John Coyle, Steve Giambra, Linda Wales Giambra, Bill Seed,

Pam Seed

 Foreground, Steve Giambra, next tier John Coyle, Linda Giambra,

Bill Seed, Pam Seed

Diane Doviak Webb and Lanny Horn

Nancy Courter Karnolt and  Janet Janowitz Weil

Pete Sigmon

Linda Wales Giambra and Steve Giambra

Bonnie Morrow and Norman Morrow

Susan van Keuren Easton and Al Easton

Pia Coyle and John Coyle

Diana Pearson and Tom Pearson

Pam Seed and Bill Seed




Reunion Souvenier


  This sketch done by Glen Rock High School alumni, Mark Usmiani, a resident of Glen Rock for the last 15 years and a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design with a degree in illustration will be given out at the reunion on an 8x10 matte suitable for framing. I think I will ask Mark to do one of the old family home on Central Ave.

Banner for the Reunion

Neat Glen Rock Video

See 1956 GR Independence Day Parade:

      Can you spot yourself 

  Home Movies:                                                                                                                            Click on arrow in video to run video of the GRHS football game v. Wood Ridge. This is a video I took back in 1958.




Video of 1959 GRHS Graduation:

    This video was taken by a member of my family and is of exceptionally poor quality that I did not want to put it up on this site. However, I thought that it could lay the groundwork for asking another  classmate that has a good video of the ceremony to contact me so we could get it on a disk and put all or parts of it up here in lieu of the one you have reluctantly viewed. Contact Tom Pearson by sending an email through this site by going to "Classmate Profiles" in the menu at left.


1958 All Suburban Football Selections


 Brian Dovey top row second from left and Paul Stanley, bottom right. Note, there is more to the picture but it is cut to fit.

Cheerleaders from Glen Echo Oct. 1958


Scholarship Awards- June 4, 2014


 (l to r) Betty Cheshire, Kelly, Julia, and Tom Pearson

Betty and Tom made the 2014 Scholarship Awards to the students shown above at the Awards Assembly on June 4, 2014. A detailed writeup appears under the title "Scholarship Awards 2014" on the menu at the left of your screen.

Glen Rock View:

   A photo taken from the Glen Rock Inn:


New High School Logo and School Pictures




Mike Bagley Sends Some Pictures From 1957

Mike was with the class until the 10th grade, then and moved to Florida. The pictures follow: 


                                           Pictured, Diane Doviak Webb


      Pictured:Back L to R : Luellen Gehweiler, Betty Hartzel Dovey, Susie Knecht Smith
                     Front L to R: Ginny Kretch, Margaret Cowan, Diane Doviak Webb, Judy Vogt                                           Lois Lohmann Kraebel                                                                            



                                          Pictured, rear, John Pabst,on running board, Jim                                            DeVinney,

                                           behind Jim, Dick Webb, then Bob Quackenbush

1959 Graduation Ball Pictures, Dinner Menu, and Commencement Program 

     ( Pictures from Ridgewood Herald News of June 18, 1959) 









     Dinner Menu






1959 Program for Graduation Ball

         We have surfaced a surviving copy of the schedule for and after the Graduation Ball and it is shown below.  We hope you will enjoy seeing it once again.


Joanna (Poppink) Picciotti 1959 Column

 In 1959 Joanna wrote the following column, "Youth and the Future" for the Sunday News. It is a well written view of what 1959 US youth owed the world.



     2013 Scholarships Awarded

 Betty Cheshire and Tom Pearson presented the $2,000 awards to two graduating seniors at the June 6th Awards Assembly. A picture is shown below without names. Full details can be accessed by clicking on "Scholarship Awards 2014" in the menu. The 2013 information follows that for 2014. 


2015 Jan. Car Show in FL

1937 Caddilac

1955 Chevy

1964 Chevy Truck

1964 Chevy Truck

1964 Chevy Truck

1926 Ford Model T

1926 Ford Model T

1931 Ford

1931 Ford

1950 Ford

1950 Ford

1950 Ford

Ford Woodie town and country car

Ford Woodie town and country car

1956 or '57 Chevy Corvette

1956 or '57 Chevy Corvette

1956 or '57 Chevy Corvette

Unimog Fire Truck




2014 Sept. Car Show in Rye, NH

2014 Car Show in Florida

1936 Auburn

1923 Franklin

1913 Cole

Austin Healy

1953 MGTD

1960 T-Bird

1960 T-Bird (rear view)

1960 Military Jeep

1955 Ford T-Bird

Austin American

2014 Air Show-- FL

B-17 Bomber

P-51 Mustang

B-24 Liberator

B-24 Liberator (front view)

1929 Ford Tri-Motor

'29 Ford Tri-Motor

'29 Ford Tri-Motor

1929 Ford Tri-Motor






Neat 50's Video on You Tube

  First 30 seconds out-of-focus but remainder is entertaining.

    And, A Neat Dog Video Accompanied by 50's Music



Old Picture of Rock of Glen Rock











































     If you are having difficulty with this site email us under the "Contact Us" selection in the menu.